Current Boycotts
My list of products and companies that I am currently boycotting,
for one reason or another
- Wal Mart
- McDonald's
- Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Tourisim of S. Carolina
(sympathy boycott)
- Metallica
- ebay
- 101 KGB
- License Management International, LLC
- Taco Bell
- Subway
- Pizza Pro
- Metropolitain Museum of Modern Art
- Hershey Foods Corporation
- Nissan Motor Company
- The Boeing Company
- Blockbuster, Inc
- The Cheesecake Factory
- Automatic Transmissions
- Cheap chineese food places
- CO2
- Motherboards with onboard and crappy video chipsets
- Vitamin B12 complex
- Timezones
- www in URLs (use web or http instead, if you must)
Warning Zone
Places that you need to be wary of before finalising a purchase
Companies that have done something really good recently
Companies that are actually Cults
Companies that have fascist leanings
Things that piss me off
- So-called child-proof lighters
personally, I remove the child-proof guards. My favourite
lighers? Zippos!
- Cat haters
The Egyptians, builders of pyramids and domesticators
of ferrets, did not revere cats so highly for nothing.
- X-Files producers
How could they possibly not choose me to replace that
David guy? The nerve!
Can anyone tell me where the full-stops are in that acronym?
I didn't think so. So prononucing it ``earl'' is fair.
Pronouncing it ``yoo ar ell'' is just three times too many
Things that should be banned
Who cares?
i promise, to, someday, put up reasons for those things that i can remember
why i bothered to boycott in the first place!
UPDATE: I have forgotten about half of them. I guess I should remove them,
but I know I had a good reason for putting them up to begin with, so they
shall remain.

I AM 36% GOTH.

Goth by night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil,
but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.
I am 77% Evil Genius

I am
pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I
will not rest until all living souls bend to my will.

I am also insane
enough to try to write a novel, again!. Witness my progress!